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Встигни записатися на мій онлайн-курс

Копірайтинг в ІТ

Закрий свої пробіли в ІТ-копірайтингу, щоб писати винятково якісні тексти, рости швидше і виділятися серед інших копірайтерів на ринку.

Старт курсу: 20 травня 2025

Тривалість: 3 місяці

Абстрактний хвилястий об'єкт

Я працювала над цим курсом цілий рік, щоб передати тобі свої знання та унікальний досвід копірайтингу в ІТ

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Hi there! I am Tania Zhydkova, a senior writer for tech companies and a mentor for other writers.

My biggest passion now is building my content writing academy, growing Ukrainian A-player writers for the global tech industry.

Tania Zhydkova, Content Marketing Expert

Here is how you can grow with me

Trusted by the most innovative tech companies


What people say about working with me

Nadia Andrushchenko, Co-founder and CEO

As a result of a year of Tania's work: doubled organic coverage in social media; refreshed the brand design; generated and implemented a dozen non-standard communication projects."

Denis Matusovskiy, Senior copywriter and brand journalist

“Tania is a major advocate for using data to prioritize new content development and refinements. Data has confirmed her decisions were correct, too."

Kirill Chabanov, COO

“Tania's expertise in content strategies, SEO, and SMM significantly contributed to our brand's growth."

Oleksandra Yaskova, Senior Marketing Manager

“Tania is a driver for innovation and no trend is going to avoid her watchful eye. Her input resulted in many new content formats implemented within our marketing funnel.”
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A career in tech becomes much easier if you have an experienced mentor you can rely on.

I am so happy that my experience helps talented people to monetize their talents extremely well — both for themselves and their employers.

I’m on your side to help you grow faster and experience ENORMOUS PLEASURE from your work process and achievements.

Something each of us truly deserves.

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My Roman Empire is thinking about how mentor support speeds up any career and crushes even the craziest imposter syndrome.

Follow me on Instagram to get daily tips on career growth, content marketing, and personal brand building:

Book a free call with me

Let's talk about how I can help you grow

© 2024 Tania Zhydkova

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